Pension Forms of Payment in Retirement

Qualified Joint and Surviving Spouse

Lifetime Spouse Protection REDUCTION in participant's Accrued Monthly Pension (in addition to any Early Retirement reduction) will provide spouse a lifetime monthly check.

Automatic for Married Participants

Under the Qualified Joint and Surviving Spouse Pension, you will receive a benefit for life, and your surviving spouse will receive a lifetime benefit equal to 50% of the amount you were receiving at the time of your death. If you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, the portion of the survivor annuity attributable to the VPP will continue to adjust annually. The benefit payable to your surviving spouse under the Qualified Joint and Surviving Spouse Pension form will begin on the first of the month following your death.

Optional Forms of Payment for Married Participants

If you and your spouse validly reject the Qualified Joint and Surviving Spouse Pension form, you and your spouse may elect one of the optional forms of payment discussed below. Additionally, if you are unmarried and formally reject the Straight Life Pension, you may elect one of these available payment options.

  • 75% Joint and Survivor Pension Benefit
    • Under this option, your monthly pension amount is reduced for your lifetime in return for providing a lifetime survivor pension to your Designated Beneficiary. Your Designated Beneficiary will receive 75% of your monthly pension benefit if they survive you, and, if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, the portion of the survivor annuity attributable to the VPP will continue to adjust. 
  • 100% Joint and Survivor Pension Benefit
    • Under this option, your monthly pension amount is reduced for your lifetime in return for providing a lifetime survivor pension to your Designated Beneficiary. Your Designated Beneficiary will receive 100% of your monthly pension benefit if they survive you, and, if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, the portion of the survivor annuity attributable to the VPP will continue to adjust.
  • Ten Year Certain and Life Benefit 
    • Monthly payments under the Ten Year Certain and Life Benefit form will be paid to you for your lifetime. In addition, if you die before receiving at least ten (10) years of pension payments, the full monthly amount will continue to be paid to your spouse or Designated Beneficiary until the Plan has paid a combined total of ten (10) years of pension payments (120 monthly checks) to you and your Designated Beneficiary. Finally, if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, the VPP portion of the continued payments to your Designated Beneficiary will continue to adjust.

Unmarried Participants - Straight-Life Pension

If you are not married on the Effective Date of your pension, your payments will automatically be paid in a Straight Life Pension.

Automatic Form of Payment

The Straight Life Pension provides an unreduced monthly amount, as adjusted accordingly if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, payable for the remainder of your life. (If you are married, you and your spouse may reject the Qualified Joint and Surviving Spouse Pension form and elect the Straight Life Pension.)

Optional Forms of Payment

If you are unmarried and formally reject the Straight Life Pension, you may elect one of these available payment options.

  • 50% Joint and Survivor Pension Benefit
    • Under this option, your monthly pension amount is reduced for your lifetime in return for providing a lifetime survivor pension to your Designated Beneficiary. Your Designated Beneficiary will receive 50% of your monthly pension benefit if they survive you, and, if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, the portion of the survivor annuity attributable to the VPP will continue to adjust. 
  • 75% Joint and Survivor Pension Benefit
    • Under this option, your monthly pension amount is reduced for your lifetime in return for providing a lifetime survivor pension to your Designated Beneficiary. Your Designated Beneficiary will receive 75% of your monthly pension benefit if they survive you, and, if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, the portion of the survivor annuity attributable to the VPP will continue to adjust. 
  • 100% Joint and Survivor Pension Benefit 
    • Under this option, your monthly pension amount is reduced for your lifetime in return for providing a lifetime survivor pension to your Designated Beneficiary. Your Designated Beneficiary will receive 100% of your monthly pension benefit if they survive you, and, if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, the portion of the survivor annuity attributable to the VPP will continue to adjust.
  • Ten Year Certain and Life Benefit 
    • Monthly payments under the Ten Year Certain and Life Benefit form will be paid to you for your lifetime. In addition, if you die before receiving at least ten (10) years of pension payments, the full monthly amount will continue to be paid to your spouse or Designated Beneficiary until the Plan has paid a combined total of ten (10) years of pension payments (120 monthly checks) to you and your Designated Beneficiary. Finally, if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, the VPP portion of the continued payments to your Designated Beneficiary will continue to adjust.

Pop-Up Benefit

The Plan provides an optional "pop-up" benefit for a retiree who is receiving a Normal, Early or Disability Pension and who elected a reduced pension payable in the form of a Joint and Survivor Option.

You may elect to have the Qualified Joint and Surviving Spouse Pension or a 100%, 75%, or 50% Joint and Survivor Pension Benefit with a spouse or a Designated Beneficiary include a “Pop-Up” feature. This “Pop-Up” feature means that if your spouse or Designated Beneficiary predeceases you, your pension payments will increase, or pop up, to the amount you would have received if you had elected to collect your pension in the Straight Life Pension payment form, as adjusted accordingly if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP. If you are married and wish to elect this Pop-Up feature, you and your spouse must waive the Qualified Joint and Surviving Spouse Pension in writing.

Retirement Option Examples

Retires with a $3,000 Monthly Pension Reduction Examples
  • 10 Year Life and Certain Benefit - $2,850 Pension Payment ($150 monthly reduction)
  • 50% Joint and Survivor Benefit - $2,700 Pension Payment ($300 monthly reduction)
  • 75% Joint and Survivor Benefit - $2,450 Pension Payment ($550 monthly reduction)
  • 100% Joint and Survivor Benefit - $2,240 Pension Payment ($760 monthly reduction. No reduction if age 65 and Active)

Note: Examples are for illustrative purposes only. Individual circumstances for reduction amounts will vary. All Pension Payments are considered Taxable Income.

You cannot change this election once you retire.

Survivor Benefits Before Retirement

Lump-sum Death Benefit of $10,000 to your Surviving Spouse or Designated Beneficiary if you are Vested and:

  1. Had at least 1,000 hours in Covered Employment in the 12-month period immediately preceding your date of death; or 
  2. You failed to work at least 1,000 Hours in Covered Employment during such 12-month period but maintained Emergency Continuation of Eligibility under the Mid-Atlantic Carpenters’ Health Fund due to Total and Permanent Disability or Workers’ Compensation Injury; or
  3. You died while performing qualified military service and would have satisfied either subparagraph no. 1 or no. 2 had you otherwise died immediately prior to entering qualified military service.

Preretirement Surviving Spouse Pension

If you are married, Vested, and die before establishing a Pension Effective Date, your Qualified Spouse will receive a Preretirement Surviving Spouse Pension. The amount of your surviving spouse’s benefit will be 50% of what your monthly pension would have been in the form of a Qualified Joint and Surviving Spouse Pension, after adjustment for early retirement, if applicable. In addition, if you earned a pension benefit under the VPP, the portion of the Qualified Preretirement Surviving Spouse Pension attributable to the VPP will adjust as described in the Pension Fund SPD. The Qualified Preretirement Surviving Spouse Pension is payable to your surviving spouse on the first day of the month following your death. However, your surviving spouse may elect in writing to delay payments until a future date but not after the calendar month in which you would have reached age 70 ½ had you survived.

Key Terms and Definitions